Please email me directly for copies of articles.
Ahmed, N. U. & S. Wang. Measure-Valued Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations on Banach Spaces and Their Optimal Control. Springer, 2023 (227 pages). [Link]Â
Ahmed, N. U. & S. Wang. Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems Driven by Vector Measures: Theory and Applications. Springer, 2021 (320 pages). [Link]
Journal Articles
Wang, S. An analytical framework for modeling and synthesizing malicious attacks on adaptive cruise control vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Wang, S., M. W. Levin, & R. Stern. String stable control design for automated vehicles under cyberattacks. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. [Link]
Aguilar, J. A. & S. Wang (2025). Impacts of electric vehicles on traffic-power systems: A review. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 19(2), 103--120. [Link]
Li, T., M. Shang, S. Wang, & R. Stern (2025). Detecting subtle cyberattacks on adaptive cruise control vehicles: A machine learning approach. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 6, 11--23. [Link]
Ahmed, S. & S. Wang (2024). Systematic review of the impacts of electric vehicles on evolving transportation systems. Digital Transportation and Safety, 3(4), 220--232. [Link]
Wang, S. (2024). Autonomous vehicle control through socially compliant human-robot interactions with an application to eco-driving. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(11), 17821--17830. [Link]
Wang, S., M. Shang, & R. Stern (2024). Analytical characterization of cyberattacks on adaptive cruise control vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(11), 16409--16420. [Link]
Shang, M., S. Wang, & R. Stern (2024). A two-condition continuous asymmetric car-following model for adaptive cruise control vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 9(2), 3975--3985. [Link]
Wang, S., M. W. Levin, & R. Stern (2023). Optimal feedback control law for automated vehicles in the presence of cyberattacks: A min-max approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 153, 104204. [Link]
Shang, M., S. Wang, & R. Stern (2023). Extending ramp metering control to mixed autonomy traffic flow with varying degrees of automation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 151, 104119. [Link]
Wang, S., M. Shang, M. W. Levin, & R. Stern (2023). A general approach to smoothing nonlinear mixed traffic via control of autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146, 103967. [Link]Â
Wang, S., A. Mahlberg, & M. W. Levin (2023). Optimal control of automated vehicles for autonomous intersection management with design specifications. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2677(2), 1643--1658. [Link]
Wang, S., Z. Li, & M. W. Levin (2022). Optimal policy for integrating autonomous vehicles into the auto market. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103821. [Link]
Sun, W., S. Wang, Y. Shao, Z. Sun, & M. W. Levin (2022). Energy and mobility impacts of connected autonomous vehicles with co-optimization of speed and powertrain on mixed vehicle platoons. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 142, 103764. [Link]
Wang, S., R. Stern, & M. W. Levin (2022). Optimal control of autonomous vehicles for traffic smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(4), 3842--3852. [Link]
Ahmed, N. U. & S. Wang (2021). Optimal control of nonlinear hybrid systems driven by signed measures with variable intensities and supports. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59(6), 4268--4294. [Link]
Wang, S., M. W. Levin, & R. J. Caverly (2021). Optimal parking management of connected autonomous vehicles: A control-theoretic approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124, 102924. [Link]
Ahmed, N. U. & S. Wang (2021). Measure-driven nonlinear dynamic systems with applications to optimal impulsive controls. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 188(1), 26--51. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2021). Optimal control and stabilization of building maintenance units based on minimum principle. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 17(4), 1713--1727. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2019). Optimal relaxed control for a class of nonlinear and nonconvex dynamic systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis, 26(4), 279--290. [Link]
Wang, S., N. U. Ahmed, & T. H. Yeap (2019). Optimum management of urban traffic flow based on a stochastic dynamic model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(12), 4377--4389. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2019). Optimum management of the network of city bus routes based on a stochastic dynamic model. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 15(2), 619--631. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2017). Dynamic model of urban traffic and optimum management of its flow and congestion. Dynamic Systems and Applications, 26, 575--587. [Link]
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Aguilar, J. A. & S. Wang (2024). A simple and efficient speed control method for autonomous vehicles to improve traffic performance. The 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Aguilar, J. A., F. Sepulveda, & S. Wang (2024). An impact evaluation of strategic cyberattacks on autonomous vehicles: Safety, mobility, and energy consumption. The 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Li, T., S. Wang, M. Shang, S. Choi, & R. Stern (2024). A customizable neural network based framework for autonomous vehicle control with human-guided learning. The 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Caballero, H., Y. Sang, & S. Wang (2024). An energy-efficient routing algorithm for electric delivery trucks considering battery constraints and traffic flow. The 56th North American Power Symposium. [Link]
Aguilar, J. A., S. Wang, & M. Velez-Reyes (2024). Impacts of electric adaptive cruise control vehicles on emergent traffic flow: A simulation study. The 56th North American Power Symposium. [Link]
Li, T., S. Wang, M. Shang, & R. Stern (2024). Can cyberattacks on adaptive cruise control vehicles be effectively detected? The 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 323--328. [Link]
Shang, M., S. Wang, T. Li, & R. Stern (2024). Interaction-aware model predictive control for autonomous vehicles in mixed-autonomy traffic. The 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 317--322. [Link]
Aguilar, J. A. & S. Wang (2024). Energy impacts of traffic-smoothing cruise controllers on mixed traffic. The 4th IEEE Forum for Innovative Sustainable Transportation Systems, 1--6. [Link] (Best Paper Runner-Up Award)
Shang, M., S. Wang, & R. Stern (2023). Capacity implications of personalized adaptive cruise control. The 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3168--3173. [Link]
Wang, S. (2023). A novel framework for modeling and synthesizing stealthy cyberattacks on driver-assist enabled vehicles. The 34th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. [Link]
He, S., S. Wang, Y. Shao, Z., Sun, & M. W. Levin (2023). Real-time traffic prediction considering lane changing maneuvers with application to eco-driving control of electric vehicles. The 34th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. [Link]
Li, T., B. Rosenblad, S. Wang, M. Shang, & R. Stern (2023). Exploring energy impacts of cyberattacks on adaptive cruise control vehicles. The 34th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. [Link]
Li, T., M. Shang, S. Wang, M. Filippelli, & R. Stern (2022). Detecting stealthy cyberattacks on automated vehicles via generative adversarial networks. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3632--3637. [Link]
Shang, M., S. Wang, & R. Stern (2022). Modeling adaptive cruise control vehicles: a continuous asymmetric car-following perspective. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 923--928. [Link]
Wang, S., M. Shang, M. W. Levin, & R. Stern (2022). Smoothing nonlinear mixed traffic with autonomous vehicles: control design. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 661--666. [Link]
Sun. W., Wang, S., Y. Shao, Z. Sun, & M. W. Levin (2021). Traffic prediction for connected vehicles on a signalized arterial. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 1968--1973. [Link]
Wang, S. & Z. Li (2021). Optimal Policy for Integration of Automated Vehicles into the Auto Market: A Control-Theoretic Perspective. The 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 3470--3475. [Link]
Wang, S., M. W. Levin, & R. J. Caverly (2021). Optimal parking management of connected autonomous vehicles. The 2021 American Control Conference, 1022--1027. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2018). Stochastic dynamic model of city bus routes and their optimum management. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering, 427--432. [Link]
Wang, S. & N. U. Ahmed (2018). Dynamic model of bank queuing system and its optimal management. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering, 510--514. [Link]